Friday, March 23, 2012

Children & Computers

            Many veteran elementary school teachers whom I am acquainted with seemed concerned about the emphasis on our younger students learning technology.

They should be.

The importance of computers in our modern world is infinitesimal. They have changed how we work, how we play and how we think. They are just as important at home as they are in school and office. No business today could think of operating without computers. Can you imagine restaurants and stores without computers?

            It is no secret that I have never been enamored with technology. I was completely happy working on a typewriter because as I said thousands of times. “Man, when I used to go to work in the morning I didn’t have to wait two hours for the computer guys to come in and fix my typewriter.”

Today I am happy with computers – happy as possible with a technical contraption.  I am sitting at one right now as I type this. To me, their value in writing and looking for information on the Internet cannot be surpassed. On the other hand, there is nothing more exasperating than not being able to connect with the Internet, having your computer lock up, losing all your information or something you just spent hours on. This is all a prelude to my point. It’s obvious that I understand the importance of computers in our future. I also understand that we should not be spending our money to teach young children more about computers. There are several reasons.

            1). They get exposed to all the computer work and fun they need at home. Why waste tax dollars or your own money?.

`2. Children need to learn to think first and how to develop and use their motor skills.

3. Hours spent at the keyboard could have well been spent playing outdoors, or reading books. Books? “What are they?” one kid asks. “I read everything on the Internet.”

4. Can a computer build itself? Maybe someday, but as far as I know we needed our scientists and our Bill Gateses to get us to where we are now.

5. Is it possible that socializing in person (playing with your friends) might be better than e-mail or texting? You think?

6. There are many excellent teachers who know diddly squat about computers. Do you want to lose them all? Well, actually, some people probably do.

Do you remember that the world existed fine B.C. (before computers).Take our classical composers. Why were  the best composer – like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart – working  a couple of hundred years ago?

Where would we be today without Fulton, Edison, Marconi, Freud and Einstein not being able to think?

The most important thing for our children is to be taught by parents from the moment they are born. A nurturing, loving parent is the most important, but children also need to be exposed to reading and music and good vibes from birth.

             As soon as they grow older, they need to learn to start looking at books and putting things together with their hands. All of this activity does not need to be impeded by hours with computers and iPods. If that time was spent on reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic, art and music who knows what we might produce? It could be another Beethoven or a Bill Gates or Van Gogh. Wow! What an idea. Emphasize reading, writing and arithmetic, music and art. I wish I had thought of that!

            Don Lechman is a former reporter, critic and editor for The Daily Breeze. He teaches writing at Harbor College in Wilmington.

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